Text Books

मराठीची पाठ्यपुस्तके 
Marathi Textbooks
मराठी या विषयासाठी महाराष्ट्रात पुढील पाठ्यपुस्तके नेमण्यात आली आहेत. त्या इयत्तेवर टिचकी मारल्यास वेगळे पान उघडेल. त्यात त्या इयत्तेतील पाठ्यपुस्तकातील पाठांचे दुवे दिलेले असतील. त्या दुव्यांवरून तुम्ही पाहिजे त्या पाठाच्या मार्गदर्शनपर पानावर तसेच व्हिडिओ वर जाऊ शकाल.
These textbooks have been prepared and prescribed in Maharashtra for Marathi subject. A separate page will be opened by Clicking on the respective class. That page contains links to the lessons in the textbook of that class. You can go to the page of the guidance on that lesson as well as the video from those links.

इयत्ता 1 ली
बालभारती- Balbharati- For Marathi Medium Schools
मजेत शिकूया मराठी Majet Shiku Ya Marathi - For non-Marathi Schools

इयत्ता 2 री
बालभारती- Balbharati- For Marathi Medium Schools

इयत्ता 3 री
बालभारती- Balbharati- For Marathi Medium Schools
सुलभभारती- Sulabhbharati- For non-Marathi Schools

इयत्ता 4 थी
बालभारती- Balbharati- For Marathi Medium Schools
सुलभभारती- Sulabhbharati- For non-Marathi Schools

इयत्ता 5 वी
बालभारती- Balbharati- For Marathi Medium Schools
सुलभभारती- Sulabhbharati- For Hindi, English Medium Schools
सुगमभारती- Sugambharati- For other non-Marathi Schools

इयत्ता 6 वी
बालभारती- Balbharati- For Marathi Medium Schools
सुलभभारती- Sulabhbharati- For Hindi, English Medium Schools
सुगमभारती- Sugambharati - For other non-Marathi Schools

इयत्ता 7 वी
बालभारती- Balbharati- For Marathi Medium Schools
सुलभभारती- Sulabhbharati- For Hindi, English Medium Schools
सुगमभारती- Sugambharati - For other non-Marathi Schools

इयत्ता 8 वी
बालभारती- Balbharati- For Marathi Medium Schools
सुलभभारती- Sulabhbharati- For Hindi, English Medium Schools
सुगमभारती- Sugambharati - For other non-Marathi Schools

इयत्ता 9 वी
अक्षरभारती- Aksharbharati- Second Language Marathi
आंतरभारती- Antarbharati- Composite Language Marathi
कुमारभारती – Kumarbharati – First Language Marathi

इयत्ता 10 वी
अक्षरभारती- Aksharbharati- Second Language Marathi
आंतरभारती- Antarbharati- Composite Language Marathi
कुमारभारती – Kumarbharati – First Language Marathi

इयत्ता 11 वी
युवकभारती- Yuwakbharati – First Language Marathi

इयत्ता 12 वी
युवकभारती – Yuwakbharati – First Language Marathi